General information
Type of the document Letter
SenderMartinů, Bohuslav
Sender (corporation)
Note on Sender‘s location[Darien, Connecticut]
Send date21.08.1943
RecipientVosburgh, Carl J.
Recipient (corporation)Cleveland Orchestra
Recipient‘s locationCleveland, Ohio
AcquiredCleveland Orchestra Archives, 05/2022
Owner of the sourceCleveland Orchestra
Call number at IBMCO 1943-08-21
Content and physical description
Transcription of the letter

Augustè [sic] 21., 1943.

Dear Mr. Vosburgh,

In this moment, I can’t give you the sole performence [sic] rights, you asked me for, but I can to keep the score to your disposition for every performances, you wish. I have already writen [sic] to Mr. Hajný and Mr. Leinsdorf, that I send the score to London, and promised a performence [sic] to Mexico, after the first in Cleveland, and it is very possible Dr. Koussevitzky would have a performence [sic] à Boston, and I would surely have performence [sic] in New York. If you play the Symphony in New York, it will be much easier for me to give you the rights. I think London or Mexico doesn’t matter.

To avoid any misunderstanding, I would tell you that it is exacte [sic], Symphony was commisioned [sic] by my friends, for possible first performence [sic] in Cleveland, but this is very friendly and private side and doesn’t concern my jusual [sic] rights for performence [sic] and the royalty for location of orchestra materiel, which every orchestra automaticaly [sic] pays for.

The money I got from my friends, doesn’t cover even the copys [sic] of orchestra-materiel, and, unfortunately I can’t give myself the pleasure to writte [sic] only music. May be, all that is not necessary to write to you.

Will you be so kind and writte [sic] me if you have intention play my Symphony in N. York. In this case I will be able much easier to give you the rights for all season.

Very sincerely


B. Martinů.

P. S. Please, tell to Mr. G. Smith, I will send the notes and photos in earliest convenience. Thanks.

Total number of leaves1
Number of pages bearing text2
Quality of digitisationNot professional colour
Digitized atCleveland Orchestra Archives
Date of digitisation05/2022

Preview only available at the Institute.

Location as subject
Boston, Massachusetts
Cleveland, Ohio
New York, NY
Person as subject
Composition as subject
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