General information
Type of the document Letter
SenderDuchaň, Jan
Sender (corporation)
Sender‘s locationBrno
Send date06.07.1957
RecipientMartinů, Marie
Recipient (corporation)
Recipient‘s locationPolička
Note on Recipient‘s location[Polička]
AcquiredCopy from Bohuslav Martinů Centre in Polička
Owner of the sourceCentrum Bohuslava Martinů v Poličce
Owner‘s call numberPBM Kd 551
Call number at IBMDuch 1957-07-06
Content and physical description
ContentJan Duchaň remembers his visit to Polička and the premiere of THE OPENING OF THE STRINGS and also that Marie Martinů has invited him to come again to see things and places connected to Bohuslav Martinů. JD would like to come on July 14th 1957 and visit MM the following day. on July 15th.
Total number of leaves1
Number of pages bearing text1
FixationTypewriting, handwritten signature
Quality of digitisationProfessional
Digitized atBohuslav Martinů Centre

Person as subject
Composition as subject
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