Základní informace
Typ dokumentu Varia
OdesílatelWetters, Brent
Odesílatel (korporace)
Datum odeslání01/2022
PříjemceBřezina, Aleš
Příjemce (korporace)
Původ, datum získáníEmailová komunikace
Signatura v IBMReeH 2022-01-00
Obsah a fyzický popis
Stručný obsahBrent Wetters vzpomíná na historku, kterou vyprávěl jeho dědeček Herbert Owen Reed. H. O. Reed chtěl v roce 1942 studovat kompozici u Igora Stravinského na kurzech v Tanglewoodu. Stravinský ale na kurzech ten rok neučil a Reed měl studovat ve třídě Bohuslava Martinů, které ho ovšem ani neznal. Reed si rozhořčeně stěžoval Leonardu Bernsteinovi a chtěl seminář opustit. Bernstein ho uklidnil a řekl, ať dá Martinů šanci. Nakonec Reed studium u Martinů miloval a považoval jej za jedno z nejdůležitějších ve svém životě.
Přepis dopisu

If you are interested, I can also tell you the story I always remember hearing about Martinů. As my grandfather used to tell it, he went to Tanglewood in 1942 with the understanding that he would be studying composition with Igor Stravinsky. He arrived to discover that either Stravinsky had canceled at the last minute or that there were two composition classes and he had not been placed with Stravinsky (I don't now remember which it was, though it should be determinable by checking whether Stravinsky taught that year or not). In either case, my grandfather was not pleased to given Martinů as a teacher (he either did not know who he was or only barely knew his music). So he went to Leonard Bernstein in a huff and may have even threatened to leave the seminar. Bernstein consoled him and told him that he needed to at least give Martinů a chance and thought that he would be pleasantly surprised. In the end, my grandfather loved working with Martinů and counted his teaching as among the most important in his life, and so this story was always told to me as a cautionary tale about the dangers of prizing fame over other attributes.

Digitalizace Tento dokument nebyl zatím digitalizován. Dostupný v papírové kopii ve studovně Institutu Bohuslava Martinů.
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