General information
Type of the document Varia
SenderMartinů, Charlotte
Sender (corporation)
Send date07.12.1964
Recipient (corporation)
AcquiredFrom the archive of Kateřina Maýrová, 07/2018
Owner of the sourceInstitut Bohuslava Martinů
Former owner- Soukromý vlastník, Private owner
Call number at IBMÉME 1964-12-07
Content and physical description
ContentGive the manuscript of MAZURKA – NOCTURNE to Mr. Halbreich, so he can hand it over to the [Éditions Max] Eschig.
Total number of leaves1
Number of pages bearing text1
Notehandwritten note by Ch. Martinů
Quality of digitisationNot professional colour
Digitized atIBM
Date of digitisation2018

Preview only available at the Institute.

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