General information
Type of the document List of Corrections
SenderMartinů, Bohuslav
Sender (corporation)
Send date notebefore publishing Concerto da camera in 1955
Recipient (corporation)Universal Edition
Acquiredfrom Universal Edition, deposited in Wienbibliothek im Rathaus, Vienna, 2010
Owner of the sourceUniversal Edition
Owner‘s call numberMartinu 8a
Former call number at IBMUE 002x
Call number at IBMUE 0000-00-00e
Content and physical description
ContentAutograph list of corrections, two leaves (3 pages), probably sended to UE with proofs of CONCERTO DA CAMERA.
Total number of leaves2
Number of pages bearing text3
Notein Martinu Complete Edition is this list of corrections called ALC4; loose leafes; 170 x 220 mm
Fixationhandwriting (pen (blue ink); pencil, red crayon, pink pen, blue pen, black pen)
Markingspink pen: Dr. Phillip; blue and black pen, red crayon: unidentified hands from UE
Quality of digitisationProfessional
Digitized atWienbibliothek, Vienna
Date of digitisation2010
Note on digitisation13th phase of digitaliosation in IBM

Preview only available at the Institute.

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