General information
Type of the document Letter
SenderMartinů, Bohuslav
Sender (corporation)
Sender‘s locationParis
Note on Sender‘s location31 Avenue du Parc Montsouris, Paris
Send date14.04.1937
RecipientPáleníček, Josef
Recipient (corporation)
Recipient‘s locationParis
Note on Recipient‘s location129 Cardinet, hotel de l'Avenir
Acquiredcopy from National Museum - Czech Museum of Music
Owner of the sourceČeské muzeum hudby
Call number at IBMPálJ 1937-04-14
Content and physical description
Total number of leaves1
Number of pages bearing text1
Noteattached flown cover with addresses of Bohuslav Martinů and Josef Páleníček
Quality of digitisationNot professional colour
Date of digitisation02/2020
Note on digitisationobtained by Ludmila Šmídová

Preview only available at the Institute.

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