General information
Type of the document Letter
SenderKulenkampff, H.-W.
Sender (corporation)Hessischer Rundfunk
Sender‘s locationFrankfurt am Main
Send date04.05.1959
RecipientPandula , Dušan
Recipient (corporation)Novákovo kvarteto
Recipient‘s locationPrague
Acquiredcopy from the Czech Museum of Music, Department of Music History, Dušan Pandula Estate, 2017
Owner of the sourceČeské muzeum hudby
Former owner- Soukromý vlastník, Private owner
Owner‘s call numberPozůstalost D. Panduly, bez sign.
Call number at IBMNK 1959-05-04
Content and physical description
Total number of leaves1
Number of pages bearing text1
Noteletterhead "Hessischer Rundfunk"
Fixationtypescript, handwritten signature

Preview only available at the Institute.

Quality of digitisationProfessional
Date of digitisation2017
Location as subject
Frankfurt am Main
Person as subject
Composition as subject
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