General information
Type of the document Letter
SenderMartinů, Bohuslav
Sender (corporation)
Sender‘s locationParis
Send date20.11.1929
Recipient (corporation)Universal Edition
Note on Recipient‘s location[Vienna]
Former call number at IBM52/73
Call number at IBMUE 1929-11-20
Content and physical description
ContentBohuslav Martinů thanks them for the letter of 9/11. He can see that their interest is genuine but it has not brought him any practical advantages as yet. He cannot wait until all their matters are settled. He asks Universal Edition Vienna to give him the right to dispose of all his works until they publish his next composition. Should they not give him this right, it would be better to terminate the contract between him and Universal Edition. He wants to hear a clear and definitive answer, no excuses or promises. He also finds it useless to send them his works to look at in advance. Their representative was in Paris and could have visited him. As regards the SEXTET, Martinů asserts that he would be able to ensure its performance at the Berlin radio himself much faster and with remuneration. Their 6-month-long mediation is of no interest any more. He asks them to send him back the score and parts of the SEXTET, for it should be performed here in the middle of December. He also asks them to return the score of ON TOURNE! to him.
Number of pages bearing text2
Fixationhandwriting, signature (Martinů)
Digitisation The document is not digitized. Hard copy available in Bohuslav Martinů Institute library.
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