General information
Type of the document Letter
SenderMartinů, Bohuslav
Sender (corporation)
Sender‘s locationNew York, NY
Note on Sender‘s location24 West 58th St. N.Y.
Send date27.12.1943
RecipientKusevickij, Sergej Aleksandrovič
Recipient (corporation)Boston Symphony Orchestra
Recipient‘s locationBoston, Massachusetts
Note on Recipient‘s location[Boston, Massachusetts?]
Acquiredcopy from The Library of Congress; Serge Koussevitzky Archive; 2016
Owner of the sourceLibrary of Congress
Owner‘s call numberML 31.K66
Call number at IBMBSO 1943-12-27
Content and physical description
Total number of leaves1
Number of pages bearing text2
Markingsby unidentified hand: "24 West 58th Str. N.Y."
Quality of digitisationNot professional black-and-white
Digitized atLibrary of Congress; Washington, D.C.
Date of digitisation2015

Preview only available at the Institute.

Location as subject
Boston, Massachusetts
New York, NY
Person as subject
Corporation as subject
Composition as subject
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