General information
Type of the document Letter
Sender (corporation)Bärenreiter, Kassel
Note on Sender‘s location[Kassel]
Send date28.12.1958
RecipientMartinů, Bohuslav
Recipient (corporation)
Recipient‘s locationSchönenberg - Pratteln
Note on Recipient‘s locationfor Paul Sacher to hand over to Martinů
Former call number at IBM41/15
Call number at IBMBär 1958-12-28
Content and physical description
Transcription of the letter


Bohuslav Martinu

p.Adr. Herrn Dr.h.c. Paul Sacher


über Basel


BV/HH                 28-12-58


Dear Mr. Martinu,

Mr. Sacher was kind enough not only to help me getting in touch with you but also to write some letters in your behalf.

Before Christmas I was so busy that I could not find the time to present the rough copies of our agreement to you, and even today I cannot. What I want to ask you, however, is whether you would like to meet me on January 196h or 20th. Returning from Prague on January 19th I shall be in Zurich by midday and could stop the back-flight there in case you should like to see me. Please, write me about this suggestion as soon as possible.

Let me tell you today how glad I am that we got to a cooperation regarding the publication of your compositions.

With all good wishes for the New Year I remain, dear Mr. Martinu,

Yours respectfully

Total number of leaves2
Number of pages bearing text2
Noteevidently a carbon copy of sended letter; two versions of the same letter (a German pattern, an English translation)
Digitisation The document is not digitized. Hard copy available in Bohuslav Martinů Institute library.
Location as subject
Person as subject
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