General information
Type of the document Postal card
SenderMartinů, Bohuslav
Sender (corporation)
Sender‘s locationParis
Send date09.02.1932
Recipient (corporation)Schott Music GmbH & Co.
Note on Recipient‘s location[Mainz?]
Acquiredcopy from Schott Music
Owner of the sourceStaatsbibliothek zu Berlin
Owner‘s call number17305
Former call number at IBM53/3
Call number at IBMSM 1932-02-09
Content and physical description
ContentBohuslav Martinů informs the recipient that the performance of the concerto for cello with Gaspar Cassadó is scheduled to take place on 10 March with Walther Straram at the Théâtre des Champs-Elysées. He asks whether Willi Strecker will be going to Paris. He wants to know whether the material for the Partita is ready yet.
Total number of leaves1
Number of pages bearing text2
Quality of digitisationProfessional
Date of digitisation2014

Preview only available at the Institute.

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