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Page 19 of 437, showing 20 records out of 8739 total

Sender Recipient Send date Sender‘s location BMI call number Digital copy Type of the document
?, Alice Martinů, Charlotte 01.09.1959 MarC 1959-09-01 Letter
Bernard, Albert Yves Martinů, Charlotte 06.10.1959 New York, NY BerAl 1959-10-06 Letter
Kawczinski, Bertha Martinů, Charlotte 1959 KawB 1959-00-00 Postcard
Firkušná, Karla Martinů, Marie 14.06.1956 Brno FirK 1956-06-14 Letter
Hauswich, Hermann Martinů, Charlotte 31.08.1959 Basel Hau 1959-08-31 Postal card
Maloňová, Anna (Vlastimila) Martinů, Charlotte 10.10.1959 Prostějov VLA 1959-10-11 Letter
Maloňová, Anna (Vlastimila) Martinů, Bohuslav 07.12.1958 Prostějov VLA 1958-12-07 Letter
Feigl, Hugo Martinů, Charlotte 01.10.1959 New York, NY Fei 1959-10-01 Postal card
Hladík, Jan (malíř) Martinů, Charlotte 26.10.1959 Paris HlaJ 1959-10-26 Letter
Roberts, Laurance (American Academy in Rome) Martinů, Charlotte 03.09.1959 Rome Rob 1959-09-03 Letter
Roberts, Laurance (American Academy in Rome) Martinů, Bohuslav 23.03.1956 Rome Rob 1956-03-23 Letter
Kolár, Jan M. Martinů, Charlotte 05.09.1959 Mbalmayo KolJ 1959-09-05 Letter
Lévy-Despas, Jacqueline Martinů, Charlotte 03.09.1959 Saint-Tropez LévJ 1959-09-03 Postal card
Stucker, Adèle Martinů, Charlotte 31.08.1959 New York, NY StuA 1959-08-31 Letter
Von der Mühll, Alfred (Basler Kammerorchester ) Martinů, Charlotte 29.08.1959 Basel BKO 1959-08-29 Letter
Von der Mühll, Alfred Martinů, Charlotte 30.08.1959 Basel Müh 1959-08-30 Letter
Stockelin, Marguerite Martinů, Charlotte 29.08.1959 New York, NY StoM 1959-08-29 Letter
Chamfray, Claude Martinů, Charlotte 07.09.1959 Paris ChaC 1959-09-07 Letter
Jičínská, Věra Martinů, Charlotte 08.09.1959 Prague JičV 1959-09-08 Letter
Jičínská, Věra Martinů, Bohuslav 11.12.1955 Prague JičV 1955-12-11 Letter, Postcard, Varia
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