Page 1 of 1, showing 11 records out of 11 total
Sender |
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Send date |
Sender‘s location |
BMI call number |
Digital copy |
Type of the document |
Martinů, Bohuslav | Löwenbach, Jan | 26.06.1942 | Tanglewood,... | Löw 1942-06-26 | | Letter |
Martinů, Bohuslav | Novák, Stanislav | 1917 | Polička | NovS 1917-00-00d | | Letter |
Pala, František | Šafránek, Miloš | 06.05.1962 | Železnice, Czech... | PalF 1962-05-06 | | Letter |
Martinů, Marie | Šebánek, Karel | 04.11.1958 | Polička | Šeb 1958-11-04 | | Letter |
Martinů, rodina v Poličce | Šebánek, Karel | 09/1955 | Polička | Šeb 1955-09-00 | | Letter, List of Works |
Martinů, rodina v Poličce | Šebánek, Karel | 1955 | Polička | Šeb 1955-00-00 | | Letter, List of Works, Varia |
Martinů, Bohuslav | | 1914 | | MarBo 1914-00-00 | | List of Works |
Ewen, David | | | | EweD 0000-00-00b | | Varia |
Martinů, Marie | | | | Mar 0000-00-00p | | List of Works |
Martinů, Bohuslav | (Česká akademie věd a umění) | 20.02.1931 | Paris | AVČR 1931-02-20 | | Letter |
Martinů, Bohuslav | | 1941 | New York, NY | ŠafM 1941-00-00 | | Varia |