General information
Title CZPředehra opery Voják a Tanečnice
Title ENOuverture of the opera The Soldier and the Dancer
Title DEOuvertüre der Oper Der Soldat und die Tänzerin
CategoryOrchestral Music
SubcategorySuites and Abstracts of the Incidental
Halbreich number162 A
Parts of the composition (movements)Allegro moderato
Instruments2222-2330-Timp-Batt(Ptti-Tamb picc)-Pf-Archi
Place of compositionPolička
Year of origin1926
Initiation of composition1926
Completion of composition20.08.1926
First performance
Location of the first performanceSee H 162.
Autograph deposition
Note on the autograph depostitionAutograph missing.
CopyrightSchott Music Panton (CZ, SK: Dilia, Prague)
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