General information
Title CZDva mužské sbory
Subtitle CZna litevské lidové texty
Title ENTwo Male Choruses
Subtitle ENset to Lithuanian folk texts
Title DEZwei Männerchöre
Subtitle DEauf Texte der Litauischen Volkslyrik
CategoryVocal Music
SubcategoryChoir a Cappella
Halbreich number121
Parts of the composition (movements)1. About the Moon; 2. Woman Dancer
InstrumentsCoro maschile
Place of compositionPrague
Year of origin1919
Initiation of composition1919
Completion of composition1919
First performance
Performer Masopust Josef (dir./cond.)
Masopust, Josef
Date of the first performance02.03.1919
Location of the first performancePrague
Ensemble Jihočeské pěvecké sdružení (South Bohemian Choral Association)
Jihočeské pěvecké sdružení
Autograph deposition
Note on the autograph depostitionAutograph missing; reference to the existence of the composition only in Šafránek's monograph.
Note on copyrightSchott Music Panton, Prague
First edition
References Related writings
Documents in the Library
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