General information
Title CZVzpoura [auth.]
Subtitle CZbaletní skica o 1 dějství
Title ENThe Revolt [auth.]
Subtitle ENballet sketch in 1 act
Title DEAufruhr
Subtitle DEBallet-Sketch in einem Aufzug
Title FRLa révolte [auth.]
CategoryStage Works and Film Music
Halbreich number151
Author of lyrics/libretto Martinů, Bohuslav
Parts of the composition (movements)1. Dance of Birds - Dance of Mice 2. Piano Lesson 3. Harlequin's Serenade 4. Dance scene in the Bar 5. Finale
Instruments2222-2210-Timp-Batt(GC,Tamb rull)-Pf-Archi; Vl, Vc, Tr, Tamb picc na scéně/on the stage; V za scénou/behind the stage
Place of compositionParis
Place of composition 2Prague
Year of origin1926
Initiation of composition1925
Completion of composition01/1926
First performance
Performer František Neumann (dir./cond.), Otakar Zítek (scéna/scenography), Ivo Váňa-Psota (choreografie/choreography)
Neumann, František
Psota, Ivo
Zítek, Ota
Date of the first performance11.02.1928
Location of the first performanceBrno, National Theatre (Národní divadlo)
Autograph deposition
Owner of the sourceDet Kongelige Bibliotek
Note on the autograph depostitionAutograph score, piano reduction and synopsis.
Incomplete sketches located at the Czech Museum of Music in Prague.
CopyrightSchott Music GmbH & Co.
Note on copyrightCZ, SK: Dilia, Prague
Purchase linkbuy
First edition
PublisherDilia – Divadelní a literární agentura
Place of issuePraha
Year of publication1968
References Related writings
Documents in the Library
Note Lyrics/synopsis by Bohuslav Martinů.
Female voice behind the stage.
Date of completion of the work according to Harry Hallbreich: 1 November 1925.
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