General information
Title CZImpromptu
Subtitle CZpro dva klavíry
Title ENImpromptu
Subtitle ENfor Two Pianos
Title DEImpromptu
Subtitle DEfür zwei Klaviers
Title FRImpromptu [auth.]
Subtitle FRpour deux pianos [auth.]
CategoryWorks for Keyboards
Subcategory2 Pianos, Cembalo, Organ
Halbreich number359
Parts of the composition (movements)Poco allegretto
InstrumentsPf Pf
Dedicatee Reber, Charlotte
Reber, Willy
Diplomatic transcription of the dedicationÀ | Willi et Charlotte Reber. | En souvenir de notre sejour chez eux en 1956. | Bohuslav Martinů | un des oiseaux migrateurs.
Note on the dedicationWilly and Charlotte Reber
Place of compositionBasel
Year of origin1956
Initiation of composition06/1956
Completion of composition06/1956
First performance
Performer Hršel, Martin
Kolářová, Zdeňka
Date of the first performance14.12.1990
Location of the first performancePrague, life broadcasting of the Czechoslovaque television
Ensemble Prague Piano Duo
Prague Piano Duo
Autograph deposition
Owner of the sourceCentrum Bohuslava Martinů v Poličce
Note on copyrightCopyright free
First edition
Note on first editionNot published
References Related writings
Documents in the Library
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