General information
Title CZPetrklíč
Subtitle CZdvojzpěvy na texty moravské lidové poezie
Title ENPrimrose
Subtitle ENduets after lyrics of Moravian folk poetry
Title DESchlüsselblume
Subtitle DEZwiegesänge zu Worten mährischer Volkspoesie
CategoryVocal Music
SubcategoryChoir with Instrumental Accompaniment
Halbreich number348
Author of lyrics/libretto - Lidový text, Folk lyrics
Parts of the composition (movements)1. New Hat; 2. Above the Yard; 3. Accusation; 4. Surface-colored Wood; 5. Noon
InstrumentsPf Vl
Solo voiceSA (soli ossia coro)
Dedicatee Novák, Jan
Wurmová, Anna Marie
Zouhar, Zdeněk
OPUS, pěvecké sdružení
Diplomatic transcription of the dedication[1] Věnováno Janu Novákovi, Brněnskému skladateli. *** [2] Věnováno Zdeňku Zouharovi. *** [3] Věnováno Anně Wurmové. *** [4] Věnováno ženskému sboru Opus | v Brně. *** [5] Věnováno ženskému sboru Opus v Brně a jeho dirigentu Zd. Zouharovi.
Note on the dedication[1] Dedicated to Jan Novák, composer from Brno; [2] Dedicated to Zdeněk Zouhar; [3] Dedicated to Anna Wurmová; [4] Dedicated to female chorus Opus, Brno; [5] Dedicated to female chorus Opus and its conductor Zdeněk Zouhar.
Place of compositionNice
Year of origin1954
Initiation of composition01.08.1954
Completion of composition05.08.1954
First performance
Performer Zouhar, Zdeněk
Date of the first performance25.04.1955
Location of the first performanceBrno
Ensemble Ženský sbor Opus
OPUS, pěvecké sdružení
Autograph deposition
Owner of the sourceCentrum Bohuslava Martinů v Poličce
Note on the autograph depostitionSecond autograph of Duet No. 3 held by the Czech Museum of Music in Prague.
CopyrightSchott Music GmbH & Co.
Purchase linkbuy
First edition
Place of issuePraha
Year of publication1960
Editions available at the BM Institute
Panton, Prague, 1960
Call number at the BM Institute: 1180a
Specification of the edition: 1st edition - score + parts (S, A, Vn)
Details of this edition
Panton, Prague, 1976
Call number at the BM Institute: 1180
Specification of the edition: 2nd edition - score + parts (S, A, Vn)
Details of this edition
References Related writings
Documents in the Library
Note Lyrics from the Moravian folk poetry.
English translation by Roberta Finlayson-Samsour, German translation by Adolf Langer.
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