Title CZ | Žaloba proti neznámému |
Subtitle CZ | opera o třech dějstvích |
Title EN | Accusation Against the Unknown |
Subtitle EN | opera in three acts |
Title DE | Anklage gegen Unbekannt |
Subtitle DE | Oper in drei Aufzügen |
Title FR | Plainte contre inconnu |
Subtitle FR | opéra en trois actes |
Category | Stage Works and Film Music |
Subcategory | Operas |
Halbreich number | 344 |
Author of lyrics/libretto |
Martinů, Bohuslav
Author of literary model |
Neveux, Georges
Parts of the composition (movements) | Overture (Andante); 1st scene (Prascovie, procurator); 2nd scene (Prascovie, procurator, Dora Tambov, Michel Tambov, Plouchkin, Kopak); 3rd scene (unfinished; Prascovie, procurator, Dora Tambov, Michel Tambov, Plouchkin, Kopak). |
Durata | 29' 45'' |
Instruments | 3232-4231-Timp-Batt-Pf-Archi |
List of characters | Prascovie (mS), procurator (B, Bar), Dora Tambov (S), Michel Tambov (T), Plouchkin (B), Kopak (T), Pacha (S), woman (A), chorus. |