Title CZ | Tři písně posvátné (Tři legendy) |
Subtitle CZ | pro ženský sbor a housle |
Title EN | Three Sacred Songs (Three Legends) |
Subtitle EN | for female choir and violin |
Title DE | Drei geistliche Lieder (Drei Legenden) |
Subtitle DE | für Frauenchor und Violine |
Category | Vocal Music |
Subcategory | Choir with Instrumental Accompaniment |
Halbreich number | 339 |
Author of lyrics/libretto |
- Lidový text, Folk lyrics
Parts of the composition (movements) | 1. The Birth of our Lord; 2. The Ascension; 3. The Way to Paradise |
Durata | 11' |
Instruments | Vl SSSSAA |