Title CZ | Tři madrigaly (Duo č. 1) |
Subtitle CZ | pro housle a violu |
Title EN | Three Madrigals (Duo No. 1) |
Subtitle EN | for violin and viola [auth.] |
Title DE | Three madrigals (Duett Nr. 1) |
Subtitle DE | für Violine und Viola |
Category | Chamber Music |
Subcategory | Duos for Other Instruments |
Halbreich number | 313 |
Parts of the composition (movements) | 1. Poco allegro; 2. Poco andante; 3. Allegro |
Durata | 15' 30'' |
Instruments | Vl Vla |
Dedicatee |
Fuchs, Lillian
Fuchs, Joseph
Diplomatic transcription of the dedication | To | Lillian and Joseph Fuchs |