General information
Title CZČeská rapsodie
Subtitle CZpro housle a klavír
Title ENCzech Rhapsody [auth.]
Subtitle ENfor violin and piano
Title DETschechische Rapsodie
Subtitle DEfür Violine und Klavier
Title FRRhapsodie tchèque
Subtitle FRpour violon et piano
CategoryChamber Music
SubcategoryDuos for Violin and Piano
Halbreich number307
Parts of the composition (movements)Lento - Andante poco moderato - Moderato - Allegretto - Adagio - Allegro non troppo
InstrumentsVl Pf
Dedicatee Kreisler, Fritz
Diplomatic transcription of the dedicationTo Fritz Kreisler.
Place of compositionCape Cod, Massachusetts
Year of origin1945
Initiation of composition05.07.1945
Completion of composition19.07.1945
First performance
Autograph deposition
Owner of the sourceCentrum Bohuslava Martinů v Poličce
Note on the autograph depostitionFacsimile of the autograph (probably period reproduction) held by the Éditions Max Eschig in Paris.
CopyrightÉditions Max Eschig
Purchase linkbuy
First edition
PublisherÉditions Max Eschig
Place of issuePaříž
Year of publication1962
Editions available at the BM Institute
Éditions Max Eschig, Paris, 1962
Call number at the BM Institute: 1127, 1127a
Specification of the edition: 1st edition - parts (Vl, Pf+Vl)
Details of this edition
Éditions Max Eschig, Paris, 2007
Call number at the BM Institute: 1127 partitura/ARR a,b
Specification of the edition: 1st edition of arrangement for Vl and Orch. - pocket score
Details of this edition
References Related writings
Documents in the Library
Note Also available in orchestral arrangement by Jiri Teml (Czech Rhapsody for violin and orchestra; with number H. 307 A in Halbreich's catalogue; orchestration: 2222-2200-Timp-Batt-Archi; published by Ěditions Durand, Paris 2007).
About the composition

The Czech Rhapsody for violin and piano, a virtuosic composition in one movement, is dedicated to the celebrated violinist Fritz Kreisler, a friend of Bohuslav and Charlotte Martinů. In a letter written on July 10th to Miloš Šafránek, Martinů says of his work on this Rhapsody that "it is a form I thought I would no longer be writing in, and I am finding it rather difficult". As is demonstrated in another letter to the composer's friend Frantisek Rybka, Martinů had originally intended to write this work for violin with orchestral accompaniment. To a certain extent, then, the existing piano part is really rather more of a piano reduction. It is difficult to imagine Kreisler, who by that time had reached the age of seventy, reckoning with the exceptionally difficult technical feats contained in this piece, which include double stops at the interval of a tenth as well as rapid runs and large intervallic leaps. The central key of the Czech Rhapsody is B-flat major, which appears in Martinů's later works as a symbol of hope and happiness.

Aleš Březina, Martinů: Works for Violin and Piano 2, © 1999 Supraphon Music a.s

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