General information
Title CZMěsto živé vody: Mariánské Lázně
Subtitle CZhudba k dokumentárnímu filmu
Title ENCity of the Water of Life: Mariánské Lázně
Subtitle ENmusic for the documentary film
Title DEMarienbad, Stadt der Lebenden Quellen
Subtitle DEMusik zu einem Dokumentarfilm
CategoryStage Works and Film Music
SubcategoryFilm Music
Halbreich number240
Durata9' (17' s Vložkou / with the Interlude, H 240 A)
InstrumentsCl Tr Timp Pf Archi
Place of compositionPrague
Year of origin1935
Initiation of composition1935
Completion of composition1935
First performance
Autograph deposition
Owner of the sourceNadace Bohuslava Martinů
DepositionCentrum Bohuslava Martinů v Poličce
Note on the autograph depostitionLast page of the autograph contains a crossed out sketch.
Note on copyrightCopyright free
First edition
References Related writings
Documents in the Library
Note Title on the title page of the autograph: "Hudba k filmu | O Marianských lázních. [sic!]" (Music for the film about Marianské Lázně).
See also H 240 A.
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