General information
Title CZŠest osob hledá autora
Subtitle CZscénická hudba k divadelní hře Luigiho Pirandella
Title ENSix Characters in Search of an Author
Subtitle ENstage music to the play by Luigi Pirandello
Title DESechs Personen suchen einen Autor
Subtitle DEBühnenmusik zum Stück von Luigi Pirandello
CategoryStage Works and Film Music
SubcategoryIncidental (Stage) Music
Halbreich number179
Author of literary model Pirandello, Luigi
Place of compositionPolička
Year of origin1929
Initiation of composition1929
Completion of composition1929
First performance
Performer Martinů, Bohuslav
Date of the first performance29.08.1929
Location of the first performancePolička, Tylův dům
Autograph deposition
Note on the autograph depostitionPossible connection with two 8-bar incipits located at the Bohuslav Martinů Centre in Polička, see H 181bis.
Note on copyrightCopyright free
First edition
Note on first editionNot published
References Related writings
Documents in the Library
Note Piano improvisation played by the composer as an incidental music on 8 August 1929 in Polička, probably not written down as a sheet music.
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