General information
Title CZMěsíce
Subtitle CZtři písně s klavírem
Title ENThe Months
Subtitle ENthree songs with piano
Title DEDie Monate
Subtitle DEDrei Lieder mit Klavier
CategoryVocal Music
SubcategoryWorks for Solo Voice and Piano
Halbreich number135
Author of lyrics/libretto Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von
Toman, Karel
Parts of the composition (movements)1. January; 2. March (second autograph: You, Who Live In Heaven); 3. September
InstrumentsV Pf
Place of compositionPrague
Year of origin1922
Initiation of composition1922
Completion of composition1922
First performance
Performer Armandie, Rose
Date of the first performance02.05.1925
Location of the first performanceParis, Société Nationale
Autograph deposition
Owner of the sourceMoravské zemské muzeum, Brno
Note on the autograph depostitionLocated among uncatalogued materials from Máša Fleischerová’s estate (registration number 76).
It contains songs "January", "March" and "September".
Autograph deposition 2
Owner of the sourceČeské muzeum hudby
Note on the autograph depostitionSongs January ("Leden") and September ("Září") in foreign hand with lyrics inscribed by Martinů; instead of song "March" ("Březen") contains song "You, Who Live In Heaven" ("Ty, jenž sídlíš v nebesích").
CopyrightSchott Music GmbH & Co.
First edition
Note on first editionNot published. At Martinu Library unpublished transcription by G. Koukl available.
Editions available at the BM Institute

Call number at the BM Institute: 1347a-m
Specification of the edition: Collection of unpublished typeset transcriptions of autographs (by G. Koukl)
Details of this edition
References Related writings
Documents in the Library
Note Lyrics: poems from collection "The Months" ("Měsíce", 1918) by Karel Toman. Text of "You, Who Live In Heaven" ("Ty, jenž sídlíš v nebesích") is a translation of Goethe's poem Wandrers Nachtlied.
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