General information
Call number at the BM Institute279/PSA
Title of the composition Field Mass, H 279
Class of the sourceMusical source - printed source
Type of the sourcePrinted score
Closer specification of the typePrinted score with Martinů’s markings
Author Erismann, Hans
Martinů, Bohuslav
Physical description
Markings by B. MartinůLead and red pencil
Other markingsMarkings in Hans Erismann’s hand
Source deposition
Owner of the sourceZentralbibliothek Zürich
Former ownerErismann, Hans
Date of acquisition (BM Institute)30.03.2020
Quality of digitisation 2Not professional colour
Digitized atZentralbibliothek Zürich
Date of digitisation30. 3. 2020
Note on digitisationColour scan

Preview only available at the Institute.

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