General information
Call number at the BM Institute305/A
Title of the composition Symphony No. 4 [auth.], H 305
Class of the sourceMusical source
Type of the sourceAutograph score
Author Martinů, Bohuslav
Ziegler, Helen
Ziegler, William Jr.
Date of origin14.06.1945
Place of originSouth Orleans, Massachusetts
Physical description
Diplomatic transcription of the title pageTo Helene and Bill Ziegler. | [underlined:] Symphony No. IV. | B. MARTINU | Dur: 30 mins
Number of leaves103
Number of pages bearing notation102+1(titulní list/title page)
Total number of pages103
Original pagination1–102
Dimensions (width x height)300 x 430 mm
BindingLoose leaves with notation only on recto
Paper characteristicsThin, translucent paper, darkened to a light beige through aging
Brand of paperCircle Blue Print Co., Inc.
Number and arrangement of staves26
Total span of staves367 mm
Distance between staff lines1,3 mm
Writing instrumentpen (black ink)
Diplomatic transcription of performing forces - 1st page of the scoreFl. pic | Fl. 1./2./3. | Ob 1./2./3. | C. i. | Cl. (Si♭) 1./2./3. | F. 1./2. | Cor 1./2./3./4. | Tr. | Trb | Timp. | Tam-tam | Piano | V.I | V.II. | V. | Vc. | CB
Markings by B. MartinůRemarks and corrections; some passages are cut out or scratched out.
Source deposition
Owner of the sourceLehman, Robert Owen
DepositionMorgan Library & Museum
Call numberM3863.S986
Former ownerHalbreich, Harry
Former owner 2Martinů, Charlotte
Note on the ownershipRobert Owen Lehman Collection
Note on the acquisitionThe autograph score was passed on to Harry Halbreich by Charlotte Martinů at the end of 1960s. Currently owned by Robert Owen Lehman who bought it on 29 November 2013 at Sotheby's, London.
Digitisation The document is not digitized. Hard copy available in Bohuslav Martinů Institute library.
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