General information
Call number at the BM Institute123/A
Title of the composition Little Dance Suite, H 123
Class of the sourceMusical source
Type of the sourceAutograph
Closer specification of the typeAutograph score
Author Martinů, Bohuslav
Language 1Czech
Date of origin1919
Note on the date of originBehind second movement, p.74: V Poličce. 26. října 1919.
Place of originPolička
Note on the place of originBehind second movement, p.74: V Poličce.
Physical description
Diplomatic transcription of the title page[No title page, on first page of first movement in crayon (violet) in ring:] Martinů: | [pen (black ink), underlined:] Malá taneční suita. | [underlined twice time:] I. věta. | [underlined:] Tempo di Valse.
Number of leaves90
Number of pages bearing notation175
Total number of pages179
Original paginationI.: 2-45, II.: 46-74, III.: -, IV.: 3-43
Note on paginationIII. movement without pagination, only number of bars
IV. movement pagination only add parties: 3-43
Paper characteristicsYellowed
Number and arrangement of staves22
Writing instrumentPen (black ink), pencil, crayon (blue, violet)
Diplomatic transcription of performing forces - 1st page of the score3322-4431-Timp-Tamb rull-Trgl-Ptti-Arpa-Archi (Trb, Tb - only in the 4th movement)
CommentsCorrection by scraping (I. movement: p. 13, II. movement: p. 65, III. movement: p. 1, IV. movement: p. 41
Source deposition
Owner of the sourceCentrum Bohuslava Martinů v Poličce
Call numberAa 63/1-4
Former ownerMartinů, Marie
Date of acquisition (BM Institute)2003
Quality of digitisation 2Professional
Date of digitisation2007
Note on digitisation8. fáze

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