General information
Call number at the BM Institute279/L2
Title of the composition Field Mass, H 279
Class of the sourceNon-musical source
Type of the sourceLibretto
Language 1English
Note on the date of originProbably the end of 1939
Note on the place of originPlace of origin unknown
SummaryEnglish translation of the lyrics of Polní mše, corresponding with version with alternative ending (see 279/A2a); English version of the Lord's Prayer; English translation of part of lyrics of Polní mše (part from "Bože náš, Bože náš!" to "k Bohu života mého").
Physical description
Diplomatic transcription of the title page[without title page]
Number of leaves4
Number of pages bearing notation6
Total number of pages8
Original paginationI-IV, [5-6], [7-8]
Note on paginationOnly first 4 pages paginated
BindingLoose leaves
Writing instrumentPen (black ink), pencil, typescript
Content of particular pagesP. I-IV: manuscript (pen, black ink) of English translation of the Polní mše lyrics; p. [5]: manuscript (pencil) of English version of the Lord's Prayer; p. [7]: typewritten English translation of part of Polní mše
CommentsFour pages of handwritten English translation of lyrics of Polní mše (probably made by Silvie Symonová in Switzerland, see Jiří Mucha, "Podivné lásky", p. 308) with many corrections and crossed out words (probably by Jiří Mucha); 1 manuscript page of English version of the Lord's Prayer written in pencil (taken from Book of Common Prayer, edition 1662; written in another hand than above mentioned English lyrics of Polní mše); 1 page of typewritten English text with caption title in Czech "Žalm" (translation of Psalm 44, verse 1, and Psalm 42, verse 7–8; taken from English translation of Bible, King James Version, 1769)
Source deposition
Owner of the sourceMoravské zemské muzeum, Brno
Call numberA 29763
Former ownerKaprálová, Vítězslava
Date of acquisition1957
Quality of digitisation 2Professional
Digitized atMoravské zemské muzeum Brno
Note on digitisation6. fáze

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