Diplomatic transcription of the title page | 5/7 _ 13/7 / Anděl smrti. / Pod Rdzaviczovu sochu. / Pozoune? – Tetu. jer. / Boh Martinů. |
Number of leaves | 9 |
Number of pages bearing notation | 17 |
Total number of pages | 18 |
Original pagination | 1-16 |
Note on pagination | Pages are numbered by pencil in outer side in bottom corner |
Dimensions (width x height) | 317x247 mm |
Binding | Loose leaf and double sheet (originally sewn, binding violated) |
Paper characteristics | Creamy |
Number and arrangement of staves | 18 |
Writing instrument | Title cover page: pencil, other pages: pencil, pen (black ink) |
Content of particular pages | • Page 10 - written by Martinu´s hand: "V úterý 13/7 dokončeno." ["Finished on Tuesday 13/7."]
• Page 11 - written by Martinu´s hand: "15/July 1910. / Do památníku sestřina" [Entry into My Sister`s Album] (H8bis)
• Page 12 strikethrough, written by Martinu´s hand in the top the date: 16th July 1910 and text: "Miluji oblaky…oblaky, jež jeden…/ tam v dáli…ty čarovné oblaky / z mladých básní v próze / Baudelaire"
• Page 13 - written by Martinu´s hand in the top-left corner the date 19th July and text: "V noci. Rud. Mája" (sketch H30)
• Page 15 - written by Martinu´s hand in the top-left corner the date 21th July and text: "Spící" (H19) |
Comments | Notebook contains different sktech: Anděl smrti (H17), Do památníku sestřina (H17bis), Balada [crossed out], V noci (H30), Spící (H19)
In bottom outer corner brown spot |