Diplomatic transcription of the title page | Le partition d’orchestre. [pen, black ink, Martinů’s hand; letter “e” rewritten to “a” in the article “Le” by pencil – probably foreign hand] / (autograph) [pencil, foreign hand] / B. Martinů / Concerto / pour violoncelle et orchestre. |
Number of leaves | 3 + 45 + 3 |
Number of pages bearing notation | 87 |
Total number of pages | 88 + tit. |
Original pagination | 2 - 86 |
Note on pagination | 2 - 41 [pen (black ink)]; 42 - 86 [pencil] |
Dimensions (width x height) | 267 x 343(344) |
Binding | Loose leaves or taped |
Paper characteristics | Yellowed / brownish paper |
Number and arrangement of staves | 16, 20, 26 |
Total span of staves | 310 mm |
Distance between staff lines | 1,3 mm |
Writing instrument | Pen (black ink) |
Diplomatic transcription of performing forces - 1st page of the score | Flauti 1 2. | Oboe 1. 2. | Clarin B. 1 2. [“si be mol” – above “B. 1 2.”] | Fagotti 1 2. | (Bassoone[?]) | Corni F. |1 2 | 3 4 | Trompetti Do 1. 2. | Tromboni | et | Tuba | 1 2. 3. | Timpani | (G. Caisse] Piatti) | Tambouro picolo. | Triangel | Tamb. militaire [pencil] | Piano. | Violini | I | II | Alti | Vcelli | Cbassi [numbering of instruments – given vertically, not abreast!] |
Content of particular pages | 3 flyleaves without staves [pp. I–VI];
[p. I]: blank page,
[p. II]: see AB’s “Page 1”;
Diplomatic transcription of the page: “Copie de musique | Georges MA[RE]Y | 33, rue Véron, Paris [13e?] | Tél MON. 80-33” [stamp]
“Monsieur P. Fournier” | “Concerto” de B. Martinů | No I. – 239 | II. ¬– 154 | III. ¬– 336 | 729 mesures x 42 parties. | soit: 30.618 mes à 0.20 6.123,60 | papier 605.- | 6.728.60 | Reçu 3.000,- | reste du Fr 3.728.60
[piece of paper pasted below (17,5x11,4): short printed text on the composition written on the PC, inscription by blue pen, yellow highlighter]
[p. III]: Martinu | partition autographe [pencil, foreign hand]
[p. IV]: blank page
[p. V]: see AB’s “Page 3”, except for the end: “[…] Manchester 17+18 – [jui?] /48”
[p. VI]: blank page
Title page (see AB’s “Page 1”)
second/verso paga of the title leaf: see AB’s “Page 2”
[pp. 1–87] pages with notation (first leaf slightly torn and pasted by a tape)
[p. 88] page without notation
3 blank flyleaves
inner side of the back cover: “20,30 | 25,10” [pencil]
Remarkable pages
Cover stamp “Casa de musique Georges Marey, 33, rue de Véron, Paris 13e, Tel. MON. 80-39” “Monsieur Pierre Fournier, Concerto de B. Martinu.” Budget for the work of the copyist: “…”
Page 1 - in Martinů’s handwriting: “La partition d’orchestre (autographe). B. Martinů, 31 Avenue du Parc Montsouris, Paris 14e.”
- no stamp by the publishing house (should be Schott). Not delivered to them?
Page 2 - orchestration by unknown hand: “2 Flutes, 2 Hautbois, 2 Clarinettes si b, 2 Bassons, 4 Cors en Fa, 2 Trumpetts en do, 3 Trombones, 1 Tuba, Timpani (gross Caisse, Piatti, Tamburino piccolo, Triangle), 1 piano solo, quatuor [sic!) complet (6, 5, 4, 3, 2). Pierre Fournier, 15, rue Lesueur, Paris (16) (Passy 47 13)”
Page 3 - inscription: “To the happiest remembrance pour collaboration Manchester 1948 / 15 / 8 / 1948. John Barbirolli.”
several pages with modifications by Fournier in the cello part. Several pages with suggestions in French and question marks, most probably by the copyist Marey. |
Markings by B. Martinů | Probably some of the markings by pencil, blue pen (2nd page of the title leaf – address of PF + page 27: “TEMPO I. POCO” |
Other markings | (Pencil, blue and red crayon, pen (blue ink) [BM?]);
Description of the source in PSS:
“2. Fassung, Reinschrift mit Eintragungen von John Barbirolli, Pierre Fournier und fremden Händen. 91 S.”
Excerpt from the text on printed catalogue card:
“...tout d’abord avec accompagnement d’orchestre de chambre. C’est en 1938 que le compositeur tcheque on a établi la version definitive pour orchestre symphonique et la dediée à Pierre Fournier qui a créa à Paris avec Charles Munch. Dès lors ... plusiers fois avec Kubelík, avec Ansermet, avec Barbirolli, Manchester 1948, avec Mitropoulos, avant de le reprendre avec Sawalisch à Geneve.”
most probably by the copyist Marey. |
Comments | Bound in the dark-orange cover, on the top of the outside front cover inscribed by pencil: “Kassel”;
3 flyleaves; leaves with staves: a few folios always bound together by white thread, all bond (stuck in) together; 3 flyleaves