General information
Call number at the BM Institute196 II/A
Title of the composition Concerto for Violoncello and Orchestra No. 1, 2nd version, H 196 II
Class of the sourceMusical source
Type of the sourceAutograph
Closer specification of the typeAutograph score
Author Marey, Georges
Martinů, Bohuslav
Language 1French
Language 2English
Date of origin1939
Note on the date of originWritten by blue and underlined by red crayon on last page
Place of originVieux-Moulin
Note on the place of originWritten on last page
Physical description
Diplomatic transcription of the title pageLe partition d’orchestre. [pen, black ink, Martinů’s hand; letter “e” rewritten to “a” in the article “Le” by pencil – probably foreign hand] / (autograph) [pencil, foreign hand] / B. Martinů / Concerto / pour violoncelle et orchestre.
Number of leaves3 + 45 + 3
Number of pages bearing notation87
Total number of pages88 + tit.
Original pagination2 - 86
Note on pagination2 - 41 [pen (black ink)]; 42 - 86 [pencil]
Dimensions (width x height)267 x 343(344)
BindingLoose leaves or taped
Paper characteristicsYellowed / brownish paper
Number and arrangement of staves16, 20, 26
Total span of staves310 mm
Distance between staff lines1,3 mm
Writing instrumentPen (black ink)
Diplomatic transcription of performing forces - 1st page of the scoreFlauti 1 2. | Oboe 1. 2. | Clarin B. 1 2. [“si be mol” – above “B. 1 2.”] | Fagotti 1 2. | (Bassoone[?]) | Corni F. |1 2 | 3 4 | Trompetti Do 1. 2. | Tromboni | et | Tuba | 1 2. 3. | Timpani | (G. Caisse] Piatti) | Tambouro picolo. | Triangel | Tamb. militaire [pencil] | Piano. | Violini | I | II | Alti | Vcelli | Cbassi [numbering of instruments – given vertically, not abreast!]
Content of particular pages3 flyleaves without staves [pp. I–VI];
[p. I]: blank page,
[p. II]: see AB’s “Page 1”;
Diplomatic transcription of the page: “Copie de musique | Georges MA[RE]Y | 33, rue Véron, Paris [13e?] | Tél MON. 80-33” [stamp]
“Monsieur P. Fournier” | “Concerto” de B. Martinů | No I. – 239 | II. ¬– 154 | III. ¬– 336 | 729 mesures x 42 parties. | soit: 30.618 mes à 0.20 6.123,60 | papier 605.- | 6.728.60 | Reçu 3.000,- | reste du Fr 3.728.60
[piece of paper pasted below (17,5x11,4): short printed text on the composition written on the PC, inscription by blue pen, yellow highlighter]
[p. III]: Martinu | partition autographe [pencil, foreign hand]
[p. IV]: blank page
[p. V]: see AB’s “Page 3”, except for the end: “[…] Manchester 17+18 – [jui?] /48”
[p. VI]: blank page
Title page (see AB’s “Page 1”)
second/verso paga of the title leaf: see AB’s “Page 2”
[pp. 1–87] pages with notation (first leaf slightly torn and pasted by a tape)
[p. 88] page without notation
3 blank flyleaves
inner side of the back cover: “20,30 | 25,10” [pencil]

Remarkable pages
Cover stamp “Casa de musique Georges Marey, 33, rue de Véron, Paris 13e, Tel. MON. 80-39” “Monsieur Pierre Fournier, Concerto de B. Martinu.” Budget for the work of the copyist: “…”
Page 1 - in Martinů’s handwriting: “La partition d’orchestre (autographe). B. Martinů, 31 Avenue du Parc Montsouris, Paris 14e.”
- no stamp by the publishing house (should be Schott). Not delivered to them?
Page 2 - orchestration by unknown hand: “2 Flutes, 2 Hautbois, 2 Clarinettes si b, 2 Bassons, 4 Cors en Fa, 2 Trumpetts en do, 3 Trombones, 1 Tuba, Timpani (gross Caisse, Piatti, Tamburino piccolo, Triangle), 1 piano solo, quatuor [sic!) complet (6, 5, 4, 3, 2). Pierre Fournier, 15, rue Lesueur, Paris (16) (Passy 47 13)”
Page 3 - inscription: “To the happiest remembrance pour collaboration Manchester 1948 / 15 / 8 / 1948. John Barbirolli.”
several pages with modifications by Fournier in the cello part. Several pages with suggestions in French and question marks, most probably by the copyist Marey.
Markings by B. MartinůProbably some of the markings by pencil, blue pen (2nd page of the title leaf – address of PF + page 27: “TEMPO I. POCO”
Other markings(Pencil, blue and red crayon, pen (blue ink) [BM?]);
Description of the source in PSS:
“2. Fassung, Reinschrift mit Eintragungen von John Barbirolli, Pierre Fournier und fremden Händen. 91 S.”
Excerpt from the text on printed catalogue card:
“...tout d’abord avec accompagnement d’orchestre de chambre. C’est en 1938 que le compositeur tcheque on a établi la version definitive pour orchestre symphonique et la dediée à Pierre Fournier qui a créa à Paris avec Charles Munch. Dès lors ... plusiers fois avec Kubelík, avec Ansermet, avec Barbirolli, Manchester 1948, avec Mitropoulos, avant de le reprendre avec Sawalisch à Geneve.”
most probably by the copyist Marey.
CommentsBound in the dark-orange cover, on the top of the outside front cover inscribed by pencil: “Kassel”;
3 flyleaves; leaves with staves: a few folios always bound together by white thread, all bond (stuck in) together; 3 flyleaves
Source deposition
Owner of the sourcePaul Sacher Stiftung
Call numberMf 308
Note on the ownershipOriginally Pierre Fournier’s score (and set)
Date of acquisition (BM Institute)2017
Note on the acquisitionA draft of the first movement is also located at the PSS (15 p., contains several questions of BM in French).
Quality of digitisation 2Professional
Date of digitisation2017
Note on digitisation20. fáze

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