General information
Call number at the BM Institute279/CS
Title of the composition Field Mass, H 279
Class of the sourceMusical source
Type of the sourceCopy of the score
Closer specification of the typeScore in Karel Adler's hand
Author Adler, Karel
Language 1Czech
Language 2Russian
Date of origin1940
Place of originPrague
Physical description
Diplomatic transcription of the title page[stamp:] B. MARTINŮ: | [stamp, red frame:] POLNÍ MŠE. | [black ink:] Pesety náboženské náboženské na verše J. Muchy. | Pro mužský sbor a orchestr. | Trvání=25 minut
Number of leaves22+2 (předsádka / flyleaves)
Number of pages bearing notation44
Total number of pages44
Original pagination1–42
Dimensions (width x height)248 x 348 mm
BindingSewn binding, partly glued, in hard black leather cover
Paper characteristicsYellow, thicker
Number and arrangement of staves24
Total span of staves323 mm
Distance between staff lines2 mm
Writing instrumentPen (black ink)
Diplomatic transcription of performing forces - 1st page of the score[stamp:] 2 Piccoli | 2 Clarinetti | in B | 3 Trombe | in C | 2 Tromboni | Timpani | Zv. hra | Triangolo | Zvon | Tamb. picc. Tamb. [pen:] 1. | 2. | Gr. cassa | Piatti | Solo | Baryton | Ten. | Sbor | Bass | Piano | Harmonium
Content of particular pagesRussian translation
Other markingsBlue pen (?): Russian translation;
Blue pencil: conductor’s notes;
Red pencil: hyphens, highlighted numbers of the score
CommentsStamp on the last page of the score: "Opisovatel: | [round stamp:] Karel Adler | hudebník | notograf | Praha XIV, Sámova 7".
On the first and the last page round stamp "Archiv České filharmonie v Praze".
Source deposition
Owner of the sourceČeská filharmonie
Call number1890
Quality of digitisation 2Not professional colour
Date of digitisation2015

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