General information
OwnerCentrum Bohuslava Martinů v Poličce
Owner‘s call numberPř. č. 57/2010 - Pořadač1_Stránka_040
BMI call numberfoto0452
Former ownerMihule, Jaroslav
Provenance & date of acquisition (BM Institute)foto0452a digitized from CBM, Polička, 2013; foto0452b copy from Martinů Centre in Polička, origin of photoalbums př. č. 57/2010 and př č. 58/2010: Both are from Charlotte Martinů's property. Most likely created by Ch. Martinů, but contain a few marking by Bohuslav Martinů. According to M. Mihule these albums were very dear to Ch. Martinů. After her death the albums were given to M. Mihule by Martinů's niece. Mihule and Graham Meville Mason prepared publication of the photographs in England after 1990 but did not finished this project.
DescriptionBohuslav Martinů in trilby hat by rocky inlet

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