General information
OwnerCentrum Bohuslava Martinů v Poličce
Owner‘s call numberPBM Fbm 359
BMI call numberfoto0372
Former ownerŠebánek, Karel
Provenance & date of acquisition (BM Institute)foto0372a digitized from CBM, 11/1999-10/2000; foto0372b scan from auction-sale at Prošek antiquarian, 02/2018, sig. 98/28
Note on the date1955 - 1956
LocationNew York, NY
DescriptionBohuslav Martinů's portrait.
NotePhotography taken in Blackstone Studios, 54 West 57th Street, New York; foto0372b signed and dated "Roma 57" by Martinů sent probably to Jan Zrzavý

Preview only available at the Institute.

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