Date | 1919 |
Owner | Centrum Bohuslava Martinů v Poličce |
Owner‘s call number | sign. PBM Fbm 33; sign. PBM Fbm 34; sign. PBM Fbm 35; sign. 10926 Fl; sign. 5708 Fl |
BMI call number | foto0034 |
Provenance & date of acquisition (BM Institute) | foto0034a-c digitized from CBM, 11/1999-10/2000; foto0034d and foto0034e copy from Czech Museum of Music, Prague (call no. 10926 Fl and 5708 Fl); foto0034 - thumbnail from auction sale at Schmolt, 08/2018 |
Location | Prague |
Author | |
Description | Bohuslav Martinů portrait. |
Note | Foto0034f is glued on a card with a quotation from La Baggare.
Photography taken: Architekt Vaněk, Národní třída (National Avenue) 23, Prague |