records per page: 20 | 50

Page 4 of 86, showing 20 records out of 1701 total

Preview Date Description BMI call number
1918 Drawings of Martinů dancing. Page 42. kres0158
1918 kres0156: A little sketch of a human figure, kres0157: Autocaricature of Martinů fishing. Page 41. kres0156; kres0157
1918 kres0152: Drawing "Při šachu." ("During a chess play.") kres0153: Drawing "H. s B. na korse." kres0154: Drawing "Já s P. v neděli" ("Me and P. on Sunday.") kres0155: A little sketch of a human figure, Page 40. kres0152; kres0153; kres0154; kres0155
1918 4 drawings by a pencil and pastel. Page 39. kres0148; kres0149; kres0150; kres0151
1918 Two drawings of Martinů riding a bike. Page 38. kres0147
1918 kres0144: Drawing "Francouzské sklonění." ("French bow.") kres0145: Drawing "to je lež jako věž" ("It's a big lie") kres0146: Drawing "ta kopa" Page 37. kres0144; kres0145; kres0146
1918 kres0142: Drawing with a text "Po 'Rhapsodii' v Repře." kres0143: Drawing with a text "Chystám se do Paříže!" ("I am preparing for my way to Paris!") Page 36. kres0142; kres0143
1918 kres0140: Drawing with a text "Když my jsme v Biografu" ("When we are at the cinema") kres0141: Drawing with a text "Maňka tančí Dalcroze" ("Maňka dances Dalcroze") Page 35. kres0140; kres0141
1918 kres0138: Drawing with a text "Nováče odjíždí na tournee (v dubnu 1919)." ("Little Novák goes on tour (on April 1919).") kres0139: Drawing with a text "Když my jdeme do Biograf" ("When we go to a cinema") Page 34. kres0138; kres0139
1918 Drawings of a dog. A text "Dog's studies." Drawing with a pencil. Page 33. kres0137
1918 A drawing, form: comics. Pictures from Martinů's way Kácov - Polička. Continuing of a comics from page 31. Page 32. kres0136b
1918 A drawing, form: comics. Pictures from Martinů's way Kácov - Polička. Page 31. kres0136a
1918 Drawing with a text "Jsem hladce oholen.", "Vylíčení strašlivých útrapů zažitých na mé cestě z Kácová do Poličky 8. až 9. dubna 1919", "S textem." ("I am smoothly shaved.", "Depicting of terrible hardship during my way from Kácov to Polička, 8 and 9 April 1919", "With a text.") Pencil and pastel, text written with a pen. Page 30. kres0135
1918 kres0132b: A continuing of drawing "Cvičím 'Müllera'." ("I am practising 'Müller'.") kres0133: Drawing "Kdo to je?" ("Who is it?") kres0134: Drawing "Irma si šije výbavu." ("Irma sews to herself a trousseau.") Pencil and pastel. Page 29. kres0132b; kres0133; kres0134
1918 Drawing "Cvičím 'Müllera'." ("I am practising 'Müller'.") Drawing by a pencil. Page 28. kres0132a
1918 Drawing "Jaký byl zájem v Poličce o můj koncert pořádaný 1918 ve prospěch legionářů." ("The interest in my concert held in 1918 in Polička to the benefit of legionaries.") Pencil and pastel. Page 27. kres0131
1918 kres0129: Drawing with a text "Můj bratr na vojně." ("My brother in military service.") kres0130: Drawing with a text "Čelanský předvádí Minoatura. (viz. trilogie "Adam.")" ("Čelanský performing Minotaur. (see trilogy "Adam.")" Pencil and pastel. Page 26. kres0129 - kres0130
1918 Fight against a piano. Picture IV. Pencil and pastel. Page 25. kres0128d
1918 Fight against a piano. Picture III. Pencil and pastel. Page 24. kres0128c
1918 Fight against a piano. Picture II. Pencil and pastel. Page 23. kres0128b
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