records per page: 20 | 50

Page 34 of 35, showing 50 records out of 1702 total

Preview Date Description BMI call number
1918 kres0168e: A drawing "Jen zdvořile!" ("Respectfully!") kres0168f: A drawing "Je to moc slaný. Přesolený." ("It is too salty. Oversalted.") Page 51. kres0168e; kres0168f
1918 A drawing "Mám novou čepičku." ("I have a new little hat.") Page 52. kres0169
1918 kres0170: A drawing "Jako ve Španělsku." ("Like in Spain.") kres0171: A drawing "uno cafe negro!" Page 53. kres0170; kres0171
1918 A drawing "Our Italian impresarios" Drawing with a pencil. Page 54. kres0172
1918 kres0173: A drawing "A night in a train" kres0174: A drawing of two heads, one of them is partly rubbed out. Drawing with a pencil. Page 55. kres0173; kres0174
1918 kres0175: A sketch of an animal, a drawing with a pencil. kres1076: A stylised pen-drawing of animals. Page 56. kres0175; kres0176
1918 kres0177: A drawing "Oddávám se cvičení houslí" ("I devote myself to a piano playing") kres0178: A caricature of Martinů playing the piano. kres0179: A caricature of Martinů playing the piano. Page 57. kres0177; kres0178; kres0179
1918 A drawing "Half-time". A drawing with a pencil. Page 58. kres0180
1918 Two drawings with a pencil on a stuck paper. Page 59. kres0181; kres0182
1918 A drawing of a man figure. Page 59, on the back of a paper. kres0183
1918 kres0184: Martinů bowing a man in a hat. kres0185: A drawing of hands giving a coin. A drawing with a pencil. Page 60. kres0184; kres0185
1918 A drawing of people sitting in a room. A drawing with a pencil. Page 60, on the back of a paper. kres0186
1918 A drawing "Cyrano de Beržerák. bývalý" ("Cyrano de Bergerac. the former one") A drawing with a pencil. Page 61. kres0187
1918 A drawing with a text "a nynější (and the current one). Kirnó von Peršerag." A drawing with a pencil. Page 61, on the back of a page. kres0188
1918 A drawing "Cavaleria rusticana" A drawing with a pencil. Page 62. kres0189
1918 A drawing "Ve sklepě Anerbachově po povídkách Hofmana [sic!]" ("In the Anerbach cellar after the Tales of Hoffmann") A drawing with a pencil. Page 62, on the back of a page. kres0190
1918 A drawing "Ve sklepě Anerbachově po povídkách Hofmana [sic!]" ("In the Anerbach cellar after the Tales of Hoffmann") A drawing with a pencil. Page 62, on the back of a page. kres0190
1918 A drawing "Cyrano po kuchyni pobíhající" ("Cyrano running around the kitchen") A drawing with a pencil. Page 63, a stuck paper. kres0191
1918 French words with sketches of people. A drawing with a pencil. Page 63, on the back of a paper. kres0192
1918 A drawing of a postman. Drawing with a pencil. Page 64, a stuck piece of paper. kres0193
1918 A drawing "Šchev [sic!] opery!" ("An opera chief") A drawing with a pencil. Page 64, on the back of a paper. kres0194
1918 A drawing with a pencil. Page 65, a stuck piece of paper. kres0195
1918 A drawing "After Klička's Rhapsody". A drawing with a pencil. Page 66, a stuck piece of paper. kres0196a
1918 The continuing of a drawing "After Klička's Rhapsody" A drawing with a pencil. Page 66, on the back of a paper. kres0196b
1918 A drawing "Při začátku Haydn. symfonie" ("During the Haydn symphony beginning") A drawing with a pencil. Page 67, a paper stuck in a sketchbook. kres0197
1918 A drawing "From 'The Bride of Messina'" A drawing with a pencil. Page 68, a paper stuck in the sketchbook. kres0198a
1918 A continuing of a drawing "From 'The Bride of Messina'" A drawing with a pencil. Page 68, at the back of a paper. kres0198b
1918 A drawing "Někdo jako člen uměl. besedy" ("Someone like a member of the Umělecká beseda") A drawing with a pencil. Page 69, a paper stuck in the sketchbook. kres0199
1918 A drawing of a cat. A drawing with a pencil. Page 69, on the back of a paper. kres0200
1918 A drawing with a pencil. Page 70, a paper stuck in the sketchbook. kres0201
1918 A drawing of a person swinging on the pulley. A drawing with a pencil. Page 70, on the back of a paper. kres0202
1918 kres0203: A drawing "Episode" kres0204: a sketch of a man A drawing with a pencil. Page 71, a paper stuck in the sketch book. kres0203; kres0204
1918 A drawing of a man figure. A drawing with a pencil. Page 71, on the back of a paper. kres0205
1918 A drawing "a donkey is pickled" A drawing with a pencil. Page 72, a paper stuck in the sketch book. kres0206
1918 Drawings of heads. A drawing with a pencil. Page 72, on the back of a paper. kres0207
1918 kres0208: A drawing of a person in a park. kres0209: A drawing of a person sitting behind the window. A drawing with a pencil. Page 73, a paper stuck in the sketch book. kres0208; kres0209
1918 A drawing of two people. A drawing with a pencil. Page 73, on the back of a paper. kres0210
1918 A drawing of three people sitting at the table. A drawing with a pencil. Page 74, a paper stuck in the sketch book. kres0211
1918 A drawing with a pencil. Page 74, at the back of a paper. kres0211
1918 A drawing of three people at the stage. A drawing with a pencil. Page 75, a paper stuck in the sketch book. kres0213
1918 A drawing "He is screwed in memories" A drawing with a pencil. Page 76, a paper stuck in the sketch book. kres0214
1918 A drawing "Hladovém hodně chutná. hodně masa" ("It is very tasty for the hungry person. too much meat") A drawing with a pencil. Page 76, on the back of a paper. kres0215
1918 A drawing of people. A drawing with a pencil. Page 77, a paper stuck in the sketch book. kres0216
1918 A drawing "Rodin. Balsac." A drawing with a pencil. Page 78, a paper stuck in the sketch book. kres0217
1918 A drawing of two people. A drawing with a pencil. Page 79, a paper stick in the sketch book. kres0218
1918 A drawing of human heads. A drawing with a pencil. Page 80, a paper stick in the sketch book. kres0219
1918 Ten little caricatures of Martinů with a text. A drawing with a pencil. Page 81, a paper stuck in the sketch book. kres0220
1918 A drawing with a text "At Veleslavín's.", "Me and Novák with a lady.", "At Jiránek's" A drawing by a pencil. Page 81, on the back of a paper. kres0221
1918 A little sketch of a sitting person. A drawing by a pencil. Page 81, a paper stuck in the sketch book. kres0222
1918 Drawings "Spratek nese voběd [sic!]", "U Nováka", "Zápas pěvců.", "Co se stane, když Lohengrinu první trubač zastaví", "Lohengrin". ("A boy brings a lunch", "At Novák's", "Singer's battle.", "What happens when Lohengrin's first bugler stops", "Lohengrin".) A drawing with a pencil. Page 85, a paper stick in the sketch book. kres0223
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