records per page: 20 | 50

Page 31 of 35, showing 50 records out of 1721 total

Preview Date Description BMI call number
1918 kres0129: Drawing with a text "Můj bratr na vojně." ("My brother in military service.") kres0130: Drawing with a text "Čelanský předvádí Minoatura. (viz. trilogie "Adam.")" ("Čelanský performing Minotaur. (see trilogy "Adam.")" Pencil and pastel. Page 26. kres0129 - kres0130
1918 Drawing "Jaký byl zájem v Poličce o můj koncert pořádaný 1918 ve prospěch legionářů." ("The interest in my concert held in 1918 in Polička to the benefit of legionaries.") Pencil and pastel. Page 27. kres0131
1918 Drawing "Cvičím 'Müllera'." ("I am practising 'Müller'.") Drawing by a pencil. Page 28. kres0132a
1918 kres0132b: A continuing of drawing "Cvičím 'Müllera'." ("I am practising 'Müller'.") kres0133: Drawing "Kdo to je?" ("Who is it?") kres0134: Drawing "Irma si šije výbavu." ("Irma sews to herself a trousseau.") Pencil and pastel. Page 29. kres0132b; kres0133; kres0134
1918 Drawing with a text "Jsem hladce oholen.", "Vylíčení strašlivých útrapů zažitých na mé cestě z Kácová do Poličky 8. až 9. dubna 1919", "S textem." ("I am smoothly shaved.", "Depicting of terrible hardship during my way from Kácov to Polička, 8 and 9 April 1919", "With a text.") Pencil and pastel, text written with a pen. Page 30. kres0135
1918 A drawing, form: comics. Pictures from Martinů's way Kácov - Polička. Page 31. kres0136a
1918 A drawing, form: comics. Pictures from Martinů's way Kácov - Polička. Continuing of a comics from page 31. Page 32. kres0136b
1918 Drawings of a dog. A text "Dog's studies." Drawing with a pencil. Page 33. kres0137
1918 kres0138: Drawing with a text "Nováče odjíždí na tournee (v dubnu 1919)." ("Little Novák goes on tour (on April 1919).") kres0139: Drawing with a text "Když my jdeme do Biograf" ("When we go to a cinema") Page 34. kres0138; kres0139
1918 kres0140: Drawing with a text "Když my jsme v Biografu" ("When we are at the cinema") kres0141: Drawing with a text "Maňka tančí Dalcroze" ("Maňka dances Dalcroze") Page 35. kres0140; kres0141
1918 kres0142: Drawing with a text "Po 'Rhapsodii' v Repře." kres0143: Drawing with a text "Chystám se do Paříže!" ("I am preparing for my way to Paris!") Page 36. kres0142; kres0143
1918 kres0144: Drawing "Francouzské sklonění." ("French bow.") kres0145: Drawing "to je lež jako věž" ("It's a big lie") kres0146: Drawing "ta kopa" Page 37. kres0144; kres0145; kres0146
1918 Two drawings of Martinů riding a bike. Page 38. kres0147
1918 4 drawings by a pencil and pastel. Page 39. kres0148; kres0149; kres0150; kres0151
1918 kres0152: Drawing "Při šachu." ("During a chess play.") kres0153: Drawing "H. s B. na korse." kres0154: Drawing "Já s P. v neděli" ("Me and P. on Sunday.") kres0155: A little sketch of a human figure, Page 40. kres0152; kres0153; kres0154; kres0155
1918 kres0156: A little sketch of a human figure, kres0157: Autocaricature of Martinů fishing. Page 41. kres0156; kres0157
1918 Drawings of Martinů dancing. Page 42. kres0158
1918 kres0159: Drawing with a text "Dvořák. Symfonie Z nového světa." ("Dvořák. Symphony From the New World.") kres0160: Drawing with a text "Debusy [sic!]. Moře." (Debussy. The Sea.") kres0161: Drawing with a text "Smetana Valdštýnův tábor." ("Smetana Wallenstein's Camp.") Page 43. kres0159; kres0160; kres0161
1918 Drawing "Suk. Zraní [sic!]." Page 44. kres0162
1918 kres0163: A drawing of two people with a candle. kres0164: A drawing with a text "How the fox-trot was forbidden in a Sokol house. On the 16th of May 1920." Page 45. kres0163; kres0164
1918 A drawing "Nejnovější figura v bostonu." (The newest figure in boston.") Page 46. kres0165
1918 A sketch of a human figure, Page 47. kres0166
1918 A drawing "Mořské dojmy v Pesaru." ("Sea impressions in Pesaro.") (From 1922 when a philharmonic was in Italy.) Page 48. kres0167
1918 kres0168a: A drawing "Očekáváme příchod vlny." ("We expect a wave.") kres0168b: A drawing "Pohled z moře." ("A view from a sea.") Page 49. kres0168a; kres0168b
1918 kres0168c: A drawing "Na hřbetě vlny." ("On a wave.") kres0168d: A drawing "Plavu na dně mořském." ("I swim on a ground sea.") Page 50. kres0168c; kres0168d
1918 kres0168e: A drawing "Jen zdvořile!" ("Respectfully!") kres0168f: A drawing "Je to moc slaný. Přesolený." ("It is too salty. Oversalted.") Page 51. kres0168e; kres0168f
1918 A drawing "Mám novou čepičku." ("I have a new little hat.") Page 52. kres0169
1918 kres0170: A drawing "Jako ve Španělsku." ("Like in Spain.") kres0171: A drawing "uno cafe negro!" Page 53. kres0170; kres0171
1918 A drawing "Our Italian impresarios" Drawing with a pencil. Page 54. kres0172
1918 kres0173: A drawing "A night in a train" kres0174: A drawing of two heads, one of them is partly rubbed out. Drawing with a pencil. Page 55. kres0173; kres0174
1918 kres0175: A sketch of an animal, a drawing with a pencil. kres1076: A stylised pen-drawing of animals. Page 56. kres0175; kres0176
1918 kres0177: A drawing "Oddávám se cvičení houslí" ("I devote myself to a piano playing") kres0178: A caricature of Martinů playing the piano. kres0179: A caricature of Martinů playing the piano. Page 57. kres0177; kres0178; kres0179
1918 A drawing "Half-time". A drawing with a pencil. Page 58. kres0180
1918 Two drawings with a pencil on a stuck paper. Page 59. kres0181; kres0182
1918 A drawing of a man figure. Page 59, on the back of a paper. kres0183
1918 kres0184: Martinů bowing a man in a hat. kres0185: A drawing of hands giving a coin. A drawing with a pencil. Page 60. kres0184; kres0185
1918 A drawing of people sitting in a room. A drawing with a pencil. Page 60, on the back of a paper. kres0186
1918 A drawing "Cyrano de Beržerák. bývalý" ("Cyrano de Bergerac. the former one") A drawing with a pencil. Page 61. kres0187
1918 A drawing with a text "a nynější (and the current one). Kirnó von Peršerag." A drawing with a pencil. Page 61, on the back of a page. kres0188
1918 A drawing "Cavaleria rusticana" A drawing with a pencil. Page 62. kres0189
1918 A drawing "Ve sklepě Anerbachově po povídkách Hofmana [sic!]" ("In the Anerbach cellar after the Tales of Hoffmann") A drawing with a pencil. Page 62, on the back of a page. kres0190
1918 A drawing "Cyrano po kuchyni pobíhající" ("Cyrano running around the kitchen") A drawing with a pencil. Page 63, a stuck paper. kres0191
1918 A drawing "Ve sklepě Anerbachově po povídkách Hofmana [sic!]" ("In the Anerbach cellar after the Tales of Hoffmann") A drawing with a pencil. Page 62, on the back of a page. kres0190
1918 French words with sketches of people. A drawing with a pencil. Page 63, on the back of a paper. kres0192
1918 A drawing of a postman. Drawing with a pencil. Page 64, a stuck piece of paper. kres0193
1918 A drawing "Šchev [sic!] opery!" ("An opera chief") A drawing with a pencil. Page 64, on the back of a paper. kres0194
1918 A drawing with a pencil. Page 65, a stuck piece of paper. kres0195
1918 A drawing "After Klička's Rhapsody". A drawing with a pencil. Page 66, a stuck piece of paper. kres0196a
1918 The continuing of a drawing "After Klička's Rhapsody" A drawing with a pencil. Page 66, on the back of a paper. kres0196b
1918 A drawing "Při začátku Haydn. symfonie" ("During the Haydn symphony beginning") A drawing with a pencil. Page 67, a paper stuck in a sketchbook. kres0197
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