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Page 13 of 86, showing 20 records out of 1702 total

Preview Date Description BMI call number
01/1919 Bohuslav Martinů sitting at the piano in a town house. foto0029
01/1919 Bohuslav Martinů at the piano in his private music school. foto0030
02/1919 A drawing with a text "Únor 1919.", "Jak jsem skládal 'Andante do sonáty'", "Bohouši! Nech těch blbovinek!" ("February 1919.", "How I composed 'Andante into a sonata'", "Bohuslav! Stop making stupidities!") Page 21. kres0127
02.02.1919 A sketch to a composition Sonata C major for violin and piano. kres0077
30.10.1919 A drawing to the composition "The Little Lullaby". kres0076
1920 Bohuslav Martinů with Stanislav Novák visiting Vejrych's. foto0011
1920 Bohuslav Martinů and Stanislav Novák in Vejrych's cottage. foto0012
1920 Bohuslav Martinů and Ela Vejrychová - Švabinská. foto0013
1920 Bohuslav Martinů as a violinist in the orchestra of Vinohradské divadlo. foto0035
1920 Bohuslav Martinů with a moustache. Photographer: Vaněk, Praha foto0037
1920 Bohuslav Martinů. foto0402
1920 Scene in a room. A drawing of a scene to an unrealized opera Windows to the Mist, act 1. (page 1) Coloured pastel. insc124ter/01
1920 Scene with a landscape. A drawing of a scene to an unrealized opera Windows to the Mist, tranfsormation scene. (page 6). Coloured pastel. insc124ter/02
1920 kres0082: drawing of a flower after the title kres0083: drawing of a heart kres0082 - kres0083
1920 kres0084: drawing with a text "ornament z lenochy židlí" ("an ornament from the backrest of chairs") kres0085: drawing with a text "malba na truhle" ("a painting on the trunk") kres0086: drawing with a text "malovaná okenice" ("painted on window shutters") kres0087: drawing with a text "ornament slovenského děvčete při polévání zaprášených chodníků" ("ornament of Slovak girl pouring the dusty pavement") kres0088: drawing with a text "chodníků na zahrádce" ("of pavements in the garden") kres0084 - kres0088
1920 Flower ornaments. kres0089
1920 Drawing of a heart kres0090
1920 Drawing of flowers. kres0091
1920 kres0092: two flowers kres0093: flowers on the left side kres0094: flowers on the right side kres0095: ornaments at the bottom kres0092 - kres0095
1920 kres0096: flower at the top kres0097: flowers on the left kres0098: flower on the right kres0096 - kres0098
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