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Page 8 of 35, showing 50 records out of 1732 total

Preview Date Description BMI call number
1930 Small girl sitting on tricycle in front of house, small boy looking round corner foto0709
1968 Model of the scene for a performance of Sister Pascaline (The Plays of Mary, H 236) in Pilsen, 1968. insc236/0011
1975 A scenic design by Joan Brehms for a performance of the Comedy on the Bridge, H 247, in Český Krumlov, 1975. insc247/0011
1965 Lydie Čechová by Bohuslav Martinů's grave at Schönenberg foto0499
1990 Lithograph of Bohuslav Martinů, reproduced from the edition of the brochure by Karel Van Eyken. Baarn. art0024
2001 Colored linocut “From the symphonic work of Bohuslav Martinů” art0056
1990 Linocut “Bohuslav Martinů's Polička” art0053
1920 a flower circle kres0111
1918 Drawings of Martinů dancing. Page 42. kres0158
1935 Drawings from a scene to the libretto of an unrealized opera based on Gogol's "Evenings on a Farm Near Dikanka". Four pictures of a night scene. A red pen drawing. insc888/02
1927 Drawings of scenery ground plan and front view to the inscenation of the ballet Who is the Most Powerful in the World?, H 133. Page 4, drawing with i pencil. Authorship of Martinů is uncertain. insc133/0049
1918 Drawings of a dog. A text "Dog's studies." Drawing with a pencil. Page 33. kres0137
1918 Drawings "Spratek nese voběd [sic!]", "U Nováka", "Zápas pěvců.", "Co se stane, když Lohengrinu první trubač zastaví", "Lohengrin". ("A boy brings a lunch", "At Novák's", "Singer's battle.", "What happens when Lohengrin's first bugler stops", "Lohengrin".) A drawing with a pencil. Page 85, a paper stick in the sketch book. kres0223
1918 Drawings "Když přišel někdo o půl 3 domů.", "Já a držadlo u schodů a mokér.", "To bené co jsme si v sobotu od 4 do 7 dali.", "V neděli v Holohlavicích." ("When someone came home at half past two.", "Me and a handle at the stairs and mokér.", "That bené we took on Saturday from 4 to 7.", "On Sunday in Holohlavice.") A drawing with a pencil. Page 85, on the back of a paper. kres0224
1918 A drawing with a pencil. Page 74, at the back of a paper. kres0211
1918 A drawing with a pencil. Page 70, a paper stuck in the sketchbook. kres0201
1918 A drawing with a pencil. Page 65, a stuck piece of paper. kres0195
1990 Ink drawing “From the symphonies of Bohuslav Martinů” art0055
1918 A drawing of three people at the stage. A drawing with a pencil. Page 75, a paper stuck in the sketch book. kres0213
1910 Drawing of three riders, text "Tři jezdci. Báseň Jar. Vrchlick[ého]" ("Three riders. A poem by Jar. Vrchlick[ého]") kres0032
1918 A drawing of three people sitting at the table. A drawing with a pencil. Page 74, a paper stuck in the sketch book. kres0211
1920 Drawing of a heart kres0090
1935 A drawing of a scene of an unrealised opera based on Gogol's “Evenings on a Farm Near Dikanka”. A pencil drawing. insc888/03
1935 A drawing of a scene of an unrealised opera based on Gogol's “Evenings on a Farm Near Dikanka”. A pencil drawing. insc888/04
1935 A drawing of a scene of an unrealized opera based on Gogol's "Evenings on a Farm Near Dikanka". A pencil drawing. insc888/01
1910 Drawing with a text "Žižka. Berg. První pozdrav ráno." ("Žižka. Berg. The first greeting in the morning.") kres0053
1910 Drawing with a text "Výev ze školní syně" ("Scene from a school hall") kres0033
1910 A drawing with a text "Útok ozbrojeného lidu Milady na král. hrád (provedeno v Národním 1908)"; "Milada"; "Hurá! Hura."; "Dalibor." ("The attack by Milada's armed people on a castle (realized in the National Theatre in 1908)"; "Milada"; "Hurray! Hurray."; "Dalibor") kres0049
02/1919 A drawing with a text "Únor 1919.", "Jak jsem skládal 'Andante do sonáty'", "Bohouši! Nech těch blbovinek!" ("February 1919.", "How I composed 'Andante into a sonata'", "Bohuslav! Stop making stupidities!") Page 21. kres0127
1918 A drawing with a text "At Veleslavín's.", "Me and Novák with a lady.", "At Jiránek's" A drawing by a pencil. Page 81, on the back of a paper. kres0221
1910 A drawing with a text "Tanhäuser"; "Průvod poutníků" ("Tanhäuser"; "Procession of a wanderers") kres0043
1910 Drawing with a text "Ráno v 5 hodin na Žizkově vrchu." ("On the Žižka's Hill at 5 a.m.") kres0055
1910 A drawing with a text "Psohlavče!" kres0054
1910 A drawing with a text "Prsten Nibelůnga. Sigfried." ("The Ring of the Nibelung. Sigfried.") kres0044
1910 A drawing with a text "Protějsek ke Klinger. obrazu unos"; "fotografyje"; "kočka" ("A parallel to a Klinger's picture kidnapping"; "a photography"; "a cat") kres0039
1910 Drawing with a text "Otec: Opust mě céro nezdárná!"; "Louisa V akt" ("Father: Leave me, my reprobate daughter!"; "Louisa, act V") kres0051
1918 A drawing with a text "Naše spiritistická seance (provedená s malým výsledkem 28. března 1919." ("Our spiritual seance (performed with a little outcome.") and with a following text describing a process of seance. Page 13. Pencil and pastel. kres0116a
1910 A drawing with a text "Louisa"; "Paříš! paříš! paříš! pařím!" kres0050
1918 Drawing with a text "La vie champetre." Page 19. kres0125
1918 Drawing with a text "Jsem hladce oholen.", "Vylíčení strašlivých útrapů zažitých na mé cestě z Kácová do Poličky 8. až 9. dubna 1919", "S textem." ("I am smoothly shaved.", "Depicting of terrible hardship during my way from Kácov to Polička, 8 and 9 April 1919", "With a text.") Pencil and pastel, text written with a pen. Page 30. kres0135
1918 A drawing with a text "Hypnosa", "Uspávání čili zkouška trpělivosti čili kdo dřívě usne.", "Autosugesce.", "Stolečku pokryj se.", "Rückkehr". ("Hypnosis", "Hypnotizing or a patience test or who falls asleep as the first one.", "Autosuggestion.", "Lay yourself, table.", "Rückkehr.") Page 14. kres0116b
1910 A drawing with a text "Faust ve scenování p. Laciny"; "Faust"; "Marketka"; "Mefisto". ("Faust in a scenography of Mr. Lacina"; "Faust"; "Marketka"; "Mefisto") kres0045
1910 A drawing with a text "Don Manuel: Don't cry! I'm not dead! I'm just pretending." kres0040
1910 A drawing with a text "Bludný Holanďan". ("Flying Dutchman") kres0046
11.11.1911 Drawing with a text "B. M. poslední cesta" ("The last road of B. M."). kres0060
1918 A drawing with a text "Až budeme v Benátkách. Musíme se nejdříve osměliti!!" (When we will be in Venice. We need to make bold at first!!") Page 18. kres0124
1918 A drawing with a text "a nynější (and the current one). Kirnó von Peršerag." A drawing with a pencil. Page 61, on the back of a page. kres0188
1920 A drawing of a bird. kres0115
1918 A drawing of a person swinging on the pulley. A drawing with a pencil. Page 70, on the back of a paper. kres0202
1918 A drawing of people sitting in a room. A drawing with a pencil. Page 60, on the back of a paper. kres0186
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