General information
NameJarka, Václav Hanno
First nameVáclav Hanno
NicknameVladimír Lanský; V. O. Južin; V. H.; jr, vhj, V.H.J
Date of birth11.07.1893
Date of death01.08.1968
NoteCzech film, theatrea and music journalist, critic and historian, writer and translator from Russian
Name Employment details Since Until
Pozor (Pozor) 1924–1925 a 1931–1934; editor 1924 1934
Dalibor (Dalibor)
Hudební Revue (Hudební Revue)
Národní noviny (Národní noviny) 1929–1930 head of the culture column 1925 1930
Národní listy (Národní listy) 1935–1939 head film critic 1935 1945
Československá tisková kancelář (the Czechoslovak News Agency) 1946 1952