General information
Type of the document Letter
SenderŠrom, Karel
Sender (corporation)Český hudební fond
Sender‘s locationPrague
Send date02.10.1959
Recipient (corporation)Ústřední hudební archiv
Recipient‘s locationPrague
AcquiredCopy from the ČHF archive, 05/2024.
Owner of the sourceČeský hudební fond
Call number at IBMČHF 1959-10-02a
Content and physical description
ContentThe Czech Music Fund sends to the Central Music Archive copies of three cabaret chansons scored by Bohuslav Martinů for the Červená sedma [TŘI PÍSNĚ PRO ČERVENOU SEDMU].
Total number of leaves1
Number of pages bearing text1
NoteNote below about attaching three appendices.
FixationTypescript and handwritten signature with a stamp
Quality of digitisationNot professional colour

Preview only available at the Institute.

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