General information
Type of the document Letter
SenderŠebánek, Karel
Sender (corporation)Ústřední hudební archiv
Send date20.06.1960
Recipient (corporation)Státní nakladatelství krásné literatury, hudby a umění
Recipient‘s locationPrague
AcquiredCopy from ČHF archive, 05-2024.
Owner of the sourceČeský hudební fond
Call number at IBMČHF 1960-06-20
Content and physical description
ContentKarel Šebánek, on behalf of the Central Music Archive, informs the State Publishing House of Fine Literature, Music and Art that he has received a statement from Suisa, a Swiss trademark company, that they are representing Mrs Charlotta Martinů in her business affairs. A copy of the letter is enclosed.
Total number of leaves1
Number of pages bearing text1
FixationTypescript and handwritten signature
Quality of digitisationNot professional colour

Preview only available at the Institute.

Person as subject
Corporation as subject
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