General information
Type of the document Letter
SenderMartinů, Bohuslav
Sender (corporation)
Sender‘s locationPolička
Note on Sender‘s location[Polička]
Send date29.07.1938
Send date noteDate derived from Jaroslav Mihule's notes
RecipientMartinů, Charlotte
Recipient (corporation)
AcquiredGift from Zuzana Holomčíková, presented to the Bohuslav Martinů Institute on 23 January 2024
Owner of the sourceNadace Bohuslava Martinů
Former ownerHolomčíková, Zuzana
Call number at IBMMarC 1938-07-29
Content and physical description
Total number of leaves1
Number of pages bearing text2
NoteThe correspondence is accompanied by notes by Jaroslav Mihule. JM erroneously dates the letter in his note to 27 July 1938, which does not correspond to the handwritten date BM "vendredi" = Friday. On the letter itself there is an inscription 29 July 1938.

Quality of digitisationNot professional colour
Digitized atBohuslav Martinů Institute
Date of digitisation02/2024
Location as subject
Pierrefonds, Oise
Person as subject
Composition as subject
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