General information
Type of the document Postal card
SenderMartinů, Bohuslav
Sender (corporation)
Sender‘s locationSchönenberg - Pratteln
Send date29.07.1959
RecipientVaněk, Vladimír
Recipient (corporation)
Recipient‘s locationRome
Language 2French
AcquiredCopy from the Archives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Vladimír Vaněk’s estate, 2021
Owner of the sourceArchiv Ministerstva zahraničních věcí ČR
Former ownerVaněk, Vladimír
Call number at IBMVanV 1959-07-29
Content and physical description
ContentBohuslav Martinů is still in bed, [Miloslav] Bureš was here. He asks Vladimír Vaněk to ask Ricordi to send him their catalogue of piano reductions and opera scores. Also he would like VV to send him a pocket score of [Edgard] Varèse’s piece [Déserts].

Charlotte Martinů writes: BM has been home for 2 weeks and is happy, but eats almost nothing, so his weight is decreasing. We had visits from Prague, MB and another doctor from an edition [Vojtěch Strnad from Dilia]. [Josef] Páleníček was there too and was so happy to see BM, they are all so nice.
Transcription of the letter

Milý Vládi: jsem na tom pořád stejně, v posteli. Byl zde Bureš. Prosím tě, můžeš požádat Ricordi aby mi poslali Katalogue co vydali za klavírní výtahy a operní partitury, a kdybys mi mohl poslati malou partiturku Vares, mají ji, vyrovnám výdaje příležitostně. Přeji pěkné prázdniny tvůj Bohuš

Chers Amis. Bohus est a la maison depuis 2 semaines il eu est heureux. il mange presque plus rien aussi son foids diminue. Nous avons eu des visites de Prague, Bureš, et un autre Doctore d’une édition. Páleníček était la aussi il était tellement einu de voir Bohus ils sont tous si gentils.

J’espére, qu’il va continuer tout doucement, il est toujours avec tout de projets.

Je pense que vous devez avoir pas mal de chaleur a Rome retournez vite a la mer. ici il fait pas mal chaud aussi.

Toutes nos pensées amicales.

Charlotte Martinů

Monsieur V. Vanek

4 Parco Pepoli



Total number of leaves1
Number of pages bearing text2
MarkingsAddress and part of the text in Charlotte Martinů’s hand
Quality of digitisationProfessional
Digitized atArchives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Date of digitisation2021

Preview only available at the Institute.

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