General information
Type of the document Letter
SenderJacob, Odette
Sender (corporation)Éditions Max Eschig
Sender‘s locationParis
Send date30.06.1961
RecipientMartinů, Charlotte
Recipient (corporation)
AcquiredFrom the archive of Kateřina Maýrová, 07/2018
Owner of the sourceInstitut Bohuslava Martinů
Former owner- Soukromý vlastník, Private owner
Call number at IBMÉME 1961-06-30
Content and physical description
ContentOdette Jakob confirms the recepit of the manuscript for DUO NO.2 FOR PIANO AND VIOLA. They will hand them over to Philippe Marietti after his return from a trip. A stamp of procuration from the direction of ÉME, a signature of OJ.
Total number of leaves1
Number of pages bearing text1
NoteWritten on a letterhead of the directorate of Éditions Max Esching
FixationTypescript, handwritten signature
Quality of digitisationNot professional colour
Digitized atIBM
Date of digitisation2018

Person as subject
Composition as subject
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