General information
Type of the document Letter
SenderKaprálová, Vítězslava
Sender (corporation)
Sender‘s locationParis
Note on Sender‘s location12 Square Alboni
Send date31.01.1940
Send date note[date was deduced according to further correspondence]
RecipientDeutsch, Pavel
Recipient (corporation)
Recipient‘s locationLausanne
Note on Recipient‘s location[Lausanne]
Acquiredcopy from edition of the letters of Vítězslava Kaprálová published in book Dopisy přátelům a jiná korespondence z let 1935-1940 (ed. Karla Hartl), 2019
Owner of the source- Soukromý vlastník, Private owner
Call number at IBMDeu 1940-01-31
Content and physical description
Total number of leaves2
Number of pages bearing text1
Notecopy from edition of the letters of Vítězslava Kaprálová published in book Dopisy přátelům a jiná korespondence z let 1935-1940 (ed. Karla Hartl), page 71-72
Attachmentscopy of the flown cover
Quality of digitisationNot professional colour
Date of digitisation2013
Note on digitisationcopy from Gregory Dayton-Mohl

Preview only available at the Institute.

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