General information
Type of the document Letter
SenderCopland, Aaron
Sender (corporation)
Sender‘s locationTanglewood, Massachusetts
Send date16.08.1942
RecipientBoulanger, Nadia
Recipient (corporation)
Acquiredprinted copy of the scanned original from the Library of Congress´s Aaron Copland Collections, BOX-folder 248/11, obtained in 01/2016.
Owner of the sourceLibrary of Congress
Call number at IBMBouN 1942-08-16
Content and physical description
ContentIntroduces her to the young composer W. Spencer Huffman, who has been descovered by Martinů, who was his professor of composition while the Tanglewood festival. Since she is going to be in Baltimore this winter, AC asks her to take a look on his music and to decide what could be done for his favour.
Total number of leaves1
Number of pages bearing text1
Markingsstamp of the LOC
Quality of digitisationNot professional black-and-white
Digitized atLibrary of Congress
Date of digitisation2016

Preview only available at the Institute.

Location as subject
Baltimore, Maryland
Person as subject
Corporation as subject
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