General information
Type of the document Varia
Sender (corporation)Policejní ředitelství Praha
Sender‘s locationPrague
Send date03.04.1922
Send date note[date in which was the passport assumed]
RecipientMüller, Václav
Recipient (corporation)
Recipient‘s locationPrague
Acquiredcopy from MŠANO, NA fund
Owner of the sourceNárodní archiv ČR
Call number at IBMPŘP 1922-04-03
Content and physical description
Total number of leaves1+1
Number of pages bearing text3
Notepreprinted form; signatures of officers [Klusák?, Kuba?, Zajíček?] and two other (unidentified) signatures on testimonial; rubber stamp of excise office and stamp duty
Fixationprinting, handwriting
Attachmentstestimonial about clearance of debt from excise office attached, dated March 25, 1922
Digitisation The document is not digitized. Hard copy available in Bohuslav Martinů Institute library.
Location as subject
Person as subject
Corporation as subject
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