General information
Type of the document Postal card
SenderMartinů, Bohuslav
Sender (corporation)
Sender‘s locationJamaica - New York City, New York
Note on Sender‘s location178-19 Croydon Road
Send date24.05.1942
RecipientNin-Culmell, Joaquín María
Recipient (corporation)
Recipient‘s locationWillamstown, Massachusetts
Acquiredgot from the Riverside Library, University of California; 07/06/2018
Owner of the sourceUniversity of California, Berkeley
Call number at IBMNinJ 1942-05-24
Content and physical description
Total number of leaves1
Number of pages bearing text1
Quality of digitisationProfessional
Digitized atRiverside Library
Date of digitisation2018

Preview only available at the Institute.

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